Tuesday, April 9, 2013

100 Words in 100 Days

It is customary for the literary titans of an age to reveal the secrets of their writing process to the masses. I'm not quite at that level of dazzling genius yet, but doubtless y'all will still benefit from hearing about my typical approach to storywriting.

Here's a brief synopsis of my usual method:

1. Feel guilty about not having written anything good recently
2. Open laptop and check email
3. Check Facebook
4. Check webcomics
5. Check Twitter feeds of the movie reviewer I follow
6. Check recent sports scores from the Red Sox/Patriots/Celtics/Bruins/Gordon baseball/Gordon lacrosse/Gordon track/Gordon tennis/whatever teams
7. Recheck Facebook
8. Go on YouTube to find the music I want to listen to while writing
9. Recheck webcomics
10. Recheck Twitter feeds
11. Go insane at the prospect of actually doing something productive; distract myself for two hours straight
12. Go to class, arrive five minutes late, lower head slowly onto desk and weep silently at the capriciousness of fate and at how much work I have to do tonight

This is a worst-case scenario, obviously. But clearly this is not exactly what I want to be doing with precious moments of my life. If time was made to be wasted, I would be on the way to Dunkin Donuts to buy a pencil sharpener right now.

So I have come up with a plan! Well, actually, Rebekah Connell, one of my friends and fellow English majors, came up with a plan, and I sort of absconded with it. (I haven't thought of a functional plan for a week, and the last one I do remember coming up with involved nothing more difficult than making a  photocopy.) It involves making 100 blog posts for 100 days, each of them composed of precisely 100 words. Bekah is doing this, too, and you can read said blog here.

Starting today, April 9, and ending on July 17, I will be making an 100-word blog post here every single day. Without fail, unless something silly happens and I am forced to be away from the computer for the  unfathomably long period of 24 consecutive hours. The posts won't necessarily be about anything in particular, but I'll try to keep them interesting, because hey, maybe people like you will read them! And writing boring garbage isn't particularly good for anything anyway. Hopefully each post will be a superb artistic marvel of rare literary merit, so any talk of "boring garbage" or "blithering waste of bandwidth" will be beside the point.

This post doesn't count as one of the 100-word entries, by the way. It's just the rulebook. The real fun is yet to come!

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